Connect with us (847) 367-0099

Toddler Care

15 months to 24 months

Transitioning from the infant stage to the toddler stage may sometimes be a little difficult for both parents and children. Children transition to one nap a day, from a crib to a cot, from high chairs to lower tables and chairs, and from bottles to sippies and regular cups. It’s a new opportunity for exploration and adventure. They start taking their first steps towards independence. It’s delightful to see and hear their attempts to talk and enter into conversations.

Our teachers make all these transitions a fun and smooth experience for our toddlers with patience and love. Understanding and coping with frequent mood swings of a toddler is crucial. At The Children’s Center of Lake Forest, we contribute to their enthusiasm through art, music, and language building activities with rhymes and finger plays.

  • Daily reading
  • Understanding emotions through songs and story telling
  • Developing independence helping with classroom jobs
  • Following directions
  • Repeating words & phrases
  • Spatial awareness
  • Balancing skills
  • Patterns and relationships
  • Learning simple Spanish
  • Identifying items
  • Fine motor strength and coordination
  • Waiting for turns
  • Using please and thank you
  • Caring for others

Toddler Classroom Curriculum

Toddlers are independent, active, and enthusiastic explorers who are in love with the world. At this stage their growth and development are very critical since they are busy exploring and unfolding their physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development. Our caring teachers make every moment with your toddler a teachable moment.

Our programs include


Each morning we start the day off with healthy and delicious breakfast items that put your child in the best position for learning.


We partner with Choose Delicious Food Catering Company to provide quality meals that are made from scratch.

Two Snacks

A variety of snacks are provided in the morning and afternoon to keep your kiddo fueled up and ready to take on the day.

Water is served and offered to children throughout the day.
We also can make accommodations based on allergy or dietary restrictions.

Water is served and offered to children throughout the day.

We also can make accommodations based on allergy or dietary restrictions.

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