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Our Programs

Younger Infants

The earliest years are all about relationships and forming a solid foundation. Our teachers strive to consistently ensure that our young infants receive the best quality care they deserve and effectively communicate with parents along the way. We make sure our infants have every opportunity to learn, explore and discover while in a secure, trusting, and loving environment.

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Older Infants

Babies are natural explorers. They are curious about everything and are constantly observing their environment. Our teachers in the Older Infant Room guide and assist the children through developmentally age-appropriate activities to stimulate their exploration and discovery of taste, texture, sound, and movement all in a trusted and secure learning environment.

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Toddlers are independent, active, enthusiastic explorers who are in love with the world. At this stage their growth and development are very critical since they are busy exploring and unfolding their physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development. Our caring teachers make every moment with your toddler a teachable moment.

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2 Year Olds

Our two-year-olds are in a year of exploration and discovery, these are the years where your child language skills and self-expression will develop rapidly, we foster independence and begin the building blocks of creativity, critical thinking, language, teamwork and social emotional development in the classroom through guided, hands-on activities. At this age our teachers encourage potty training as a fun and learning experience to build child’s confidence. We also strive to be the best role models to contribute to behavior, attitudes, values and social aspects to ensure all children’s future success.

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3 Year Olds

The preschool years are a very special time in the lives of young children as they gain independence, self-control, become keen observers, and express their ideas more effectively through complex phrases and sentences.

In the Three’s, Four’s and Five’s children are engaged in purposeful play, we believe that when children engage in meaningful play they learn about themselves, other people and the world around them. When children play, they acquire and develop language, problem solving skills, learn to control behavior, their feelings and explore social roles.

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4 Year Olds

The preschool years are a very special time in the lives of young children as they gain independence, self-control, become keen observers, and express their ideas more effectively through complex phrases and sentences.

In the Three’s, Four’s and Five’s children are engaged in purposeful play, we believe that when children engage in meaningful play they learn about themselves, other people and the world around them. When children play, they acquire and develop language, problem solving skills, learn to control behavior, their feelings and explore social roles.

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5 Year Olds

The preschool years are a very special time in the lives of young children as they gain independence, self-control, become keen observers, and express their ideas more effectively through complex phrases and sentences.

In the Three’s, Four’s and Five’s children are engaged in purposeful play, we believe that when children engage in meaningful play they learn about themselves, other people and the world around them. When children play, they acquire and develop language, problem solving skills, learn to control behavior, their feelings and explore social roles.

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