Two year-olds are in a stage of more curiosity, imagination and creativity. They are so eager to explore and acquire new knowledge. They start to engage more in parallel play since they are acquiring new language skills and motor ability. As their retention skills continue to develop, our teachers apply great emphasis on a lot of repetition of letters, numbers, colors and shapes. We strive to increase in developing their self-esteem positively through frequent praise and encouragement.
Our teachers help our children acquire language skills through rhymes, fingerplays and songs. We help children develop confidence through encouragement of self-help skills and independence.
Our staff at The Children’s Center of Lake Forest work hand-in-hand with parents through daily reports and communication especially through the potty training process when the child demonstrates readiness. Potty training is a huge achievement at this stage so we try to make it a fun experience. We also reinforce and practice table manners and healthy hygiene habits.
Our two-year-olds are in a year of exploration and discovery. These are the years where your child’s language skills and self-expression will develop rapidly. We foster independence and begin the building blocks of creativity, critical thinking, language, teamwork and social-emotional development in the classroom through guided and hands-on activities. At this age our teachers encourage potty training as a fun learning experience to build the child’s confidence. We also strive to be the best role models to contribute to behavior, attitudes, values and social aspects to ensure all children’s future success.
Each morning we start the day off with healthy and delicious breakfast items that put your child in the best position for learning.
We partner with Choose Delicious Food Catering Company to provide quality meals that are made from scratch.
A variety of snacks are provided in the morning and afternoon to keep your kiddo fueled up and ready to take on the day.
Water is served and offered to children throughout the day.
We also can make accommodations based on allergy or dietary restrictions.
Water is served and offered to children throughout the day.
© 2022-2023 Children’s Center of Lake Forest, LLC All rights reserved
© 2022-2023 Children’s Center of Lake Forest, LLC All rights reserved