4 Year Old Care

4 Year old / Pre-K

Our 4 year olds follow a much more structured curriculum and schedule to fully develop their growth and development emotionally, physically, socially, morally and intellectually. The children are given opportunities to experience and explore through learning activities at their own pace, by themselves, with a friend or in a small group.

Developing literacy and numeracy is an intricate part of our 4 year old’s education, which is why we strongly seek to foster this development with reading stories, vocabulary building, songs, fingerplays, math and writing skills and oral language skills. We respect each child’s pace of learning growth, development and contribute positively with praise, encouragement, and incentives.

We believe communication with parents is an important part of early childhood development, so we provide daily reports to inform parents about their child’s progress and daily activities. We strive to engage children with an abundance of arts and craft activities, math equations and puzzles. We work on proper pencil grip and use of scissors to help refine fine motor skills. Self-help skills, good manners, and the practice of healthy hygiene habits is also strongly encouraged and reinforced.

  • Daily story time​
  • Classroom roles (performing classroom job independently)​
  • Rhymes, song and dance​
  • Developing social skills​
  • Making daily choices​
  • Numbers and operations​
  • Comparing and contrasting​
  • Discovering patterns​
  • Following directions​
  • Observing and asking questions​
  • Fine motor skills
  • (increase hand eye coordination)​
  • Taking turns with peers​
  • Showing empathy and care​
  • Art through different mediums​
  • Hour of unstructured free play​
  • Learning measurements​
  • Classifying and categorizing​
  • Geometry and spatial sense​
  • Build and creates (constructive play)​
  • Explores physical properties of material (functional play)​
  • Role play (socio dramatic play)​

4 Year Old Classroom Curriculum

Welcome to the preschool years!

The preschool years are a very special time in the lives of young children as they gain independence, self-control, become keen observers, and express their ideas more effectively through complex phrases and sentences.

In the Three’s, Four’s and Five’s children are engaged in purposeful play, here at CCLF we believe that when children participate in meaningful play they learn about themselves, other people and the world around them. When children play, they acquire and develop language, problem solving skills, learn to control behavior, their feelings and explore social roles. Our teachers encourage the development of social play through different interest areas that each concentrate on a different developmental skill and interactive play. Through our Creative Curriculum Studies teachers work together with children to develop questions, investigate to find answers, ask follow up questions and reflect on what they have learned. Our teacher facilitate this learning by observing children’s interest and building on them, to determine the most appropriate level of support and to encourage deeper learning of each individual child all in a caring and loving environment.

Our programs include


Each morning we start the day off with healthy and delicious breakfast items that put your child in the best position for learning.


We partner with Choose Delicious Food Catering Company to provide quality meals that are made from scratch.

Two Snacks

A variety of snacks are provided in the morning and afternoon to keep your kiddo fueled up and ready to take on the day.

Water is served and offered to children throughout the day.
We also can make accommodations based on allergy or dietary restrictions.

Water is served and offered to children throughout the day.

We also can make accommodations based on allergy or dietary restrictions.


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