Younger Infant Care

6 WEEKS to 2 months

The Children’s Center of Lake Forest has two infant rooms programs; a young infant room and an older infant room. When babies start crawling and become more mobile we move them to the older infant room where they have a separated play area and more age appropriate toys to help them develop their large muscles. Childhood development starts at the earliest moments of life as we prepare our infants for language development. Our teachers read books, sing songs, give one-on-one attention and much more. We understand that at this very young stage they need to feel secure which is why our teachers are constantly beside them during playtime. We believe that nature and outdoors can be beneficial for our little ones so on good temperature days we take our infants on stroller walks to enjoy nature and the fresh air.

At The Children’s Center of Lake Forest we make our infant classes an extension of home. Our caring, trained and experienced teachers respect each child’s needs and daily routine from home. We maintain and encourage close communication with parents to ensure that they know their baby is receiving the best care. A report is logged daily to inform parents of feedings, diaper changing and daily activities. 

We know the difficulty of leaving your child in the hands of others which is why we invite parents to spend time in their child’s room to get better acquainted with the teachers and the environment that their child will be in. This helps alleviate concerns and provides parents with peace of mind and comfort knowing their baby is safe and happy. 

  • Effective communication to develop security and assurance.
  • Daily reading
  • Song, musical toys to enhance sound differentiation
  • Exploring colors and textures
  • Cuddles and snuggles forming secure attachments developing sense of trust
  • Leg and arm exercise to encourage body development
  • Sitting on table chairs and exersaucers at appropriate age stage at limited times only to help with body strength and muscle development.

Younger Infant Classroom Curriculum

The earliest years are all about relationships and forming a solid foundation. Our teachers strive to consistently ensure that our young infants receive the best quality care they deserve and effectively communicate with parents along the way. We make sure our infants have every opportunity to learn, explore, discover in a secure, trusting and loving environment.

Parents need to provide

Infant Jar Foods

If your child's on solids, we ask you provide and maintain the supply of jar food for your kiddo.


We ask parents to provide formula, bottles and any other needed feeding supplies. When infants transition to whole milk, we provide it along with table food unless specified otherwise.

Diaper Supplies

Our parents are responsible for providing and maintaining their child's specific wipes and diapers.

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